March 22, 2011

i lied.

& what did I lie about, you might ask?
Well, I am posting today & I said I wouldn't.
BUT in my defense, I got done with my homework-and presented it (yay)-so I have EVERY right to post :)

#1- Math project/group presentation on geometric transformations was a good show today (I feel good about how we did)

#2- Bec came to visit me at work and we took goofy photos on my camera phone so...

Here's to another installment of...CELLPHONE TUESDAY! (I thought it was over cause I got a new phone but oh contrare!& these (below), my friends, are called Velvekins (the lingo made up by Liz and Becca to describe Becca's shoes). Becca, today, is sporting her Velvekins with some beautiful pepper-socks and ripped jeans. Yes, she is stylin'!
Look at that sexcellent lady! For style tips, go ahead and contact her. She is MORE than willing to lend you her two-cents :)


Melissa said...

how do i contact becca for her styling tips? haha

Liz Johnson said...

oh i think you know the number ;) if not you know how to get it...