December 10, 2009


  • Personal finance. Final grade? ....F. First time that's ever happened. Ever. F does not stand for 'feels great'

  • Dear Liz, you need to study more next semester if you want to get in the education program.

  • Got my work schedule for the box office for the break. 8-noon December 15. 8am-5pm December 22 (that'll be a long day. feel free to visit me!). 1-5 December 28, 29, and 30. It'll be snazzy.

  • Jimmy. Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy! UGH!! That cursed little vehicle. haha yeah well, can you say "Goodbye Bank Account"? $$$$$

  • Speaking of bank account... I have more money, currently, in my savings account than I do in my checking account. Good? Bad? I'm gonna go with inconvenient. haha

  • FLHD and ASL3 finals were harder than expected. Crossing my fingers I did ok! :)

  • One more final left until I'm DONE with school for this semester!! HALLELUJAH!!

  • Found that the obgyn doctor isn't that bad of a guy. haha and hopefully modern medicine will help save me from intense pain.

  • Got a letter from Ben. 6 pictures! :) I was more month.

  • Kim and Angie's presents have been delivered to them. Kim got Jonas Brothers socks and an Owl City cd. Get this. The Jo Bro socks? Yeah. They have actual pictures of their faces on the socks. ha! You can display their cute little faces on your foot! I did good... :) Angie got a little boys Pokemon t-shirt. Stellar.
  • Oh yeah and Tam and I got Natalie's roommates a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse plastic little kid bowling set! It was the best! haha

  • Still gotta get Anne Marie, Carly, and COLLETTE their presents. What to get??

  • Finally saw that bird lady's house of Christmas lights on the hill. Best. I need to take a pic of it to send to Ben haha

  • I learned some things while looking at that house tonight with Natalie Wade, Tambrea Allen, Anne Marie Barton, and Jessie Packard. 1) Don't leave your keys in your car if you are going to get out to take photos in the COLD weather with Anne Marie. 2) Natalie is the only person I know who takes time to put on their seat belt before stealing a car. haha

This picture doesn't even do justice to how ridiculous this house is. It's great

1 comment:

Amber and Dan Shoemake said...

lizzie all is good i have failed a class it sucks and i had to retake the class. are you going to retake the class? Cars will be cars they brake! I know how to feel about you having more money in savings then in checking I feel you there. =] I love you sis have a great day! Merry Christmas i will see you very soon!