May 14, 2014

UV Rays

So here's the scoop. We love being outside when it's sunny, bright, and beautiful! I mean, who wouldn't? Cedar has such great Spring and Summer weather (most of the time) so you can't help but want to go out and enjoy it!

With having Aurora, though, and what with Dan's dad, Steve, getting skin cancer last year, I am really trying to be conscientious of the dangers the sun can bring and protecting our skin from it. I know that Dan and I both have skin on the fair side and are prone to burns and I know that also means, so is Aurora. (I mean, hello! I did marry a red-head!)

Needless to say, I was glad to have read the article on sun protection in the June edition of Parents Magazine (Thanks for the subscription, Dad!). The article has lots of good info and tips, but I was excited when they enlightened me on a FREE app called "EPA's SunWise UV Index" which tells you the UV strength for different times of day so you know when it's best to be outside and when it's time to slather on the sunscreen.

Check it out!

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