June 14, 2013


Well, last night was the Utah Summer Games Opening Ceremonies and I think we worked our last one! We went to dinner at Winger's with Candace and Steve before and then Dan and I sold tickets like always at our usual gate (SE corner). That's the gate that all the athletes line up at and march in. There were SO many soccer teams this year! haha But seeing all those athletes made me nostalgic for when I was participating with my swim team.

I told Dan that our kids WILL BE participating in sports and our girls will do dance. He said "If they want to, then sure!" and that's when I told him, "I'm making them!" haha Yeah, I'm one of "those" parents. It was fun.

The entertainment this year was Recycled Percussion from America's Got Talent. They were actually really cool! They play drums on random things like trash can lids and ladders and they are speedy with their drum sticks! It was like they were on fast-forward mode. haha But of course, the best part of the evening was the fireworks. The Summer Games does the best fireworks... WAY better than the 4th of July. Serious!

In other news, I went to lunch with Amber today to The Pizza Factory. It was so fun to chat and catch up! AND she's currently 30 weeks pregnant with her second baby (a little boy!) so it was nice to be able to talk baby and being pregnant with someone who's "in the know". It's been FAR too long since we last got together!

Tonight we're hitting up the rodeo with Collette! Yeeee-hawww!

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