/Lovin' some country music on Pandora lately/
/Wearing Dan's cereal killer shirt while I eat some cereal! haha/
/Over spring break, I tried to do some spring cleaning... This was about as far as I got.../
/Over spring break, I went with Dan to St. George for work a couple times in the morning and St. George had the greenest grass! I'm slightly jealous, especially since it freakin' snowed in Cedar last night! Bleh!/
/Dan and I had a double date with Becca and Alex to cosmic bowling. It was so fun!/
/Our house has been taken over by ants. Stupid bugs./
/Went on a field trip for Transition Day to Suu with the juniors. I got to walk around with them and hear about what they have available to them after graduation. It was fun and they fed us yummy food! Oh, and on the bus ride there, I got to hear all about diesel submarines... interesting... hmmm... haha/
/Hi, I'm Liz and I'm addicted to Polyvore./
/This one time, the Henrie's came to Cedar and surprised us all. It was awesome!/
/Bec and I took a comparison belly pic. I'm pretty tan... and when I say 'tan', I really mean 'ghostly white'. Soak it up, people!/
/The Walking Dead has this app where you can zombie-fy yourself. It's gross and creepy and I love it haha hate the show. love the app./
/My beautiful new niece, Harlie, was born on April 6th. I love her so much! Congrats, Jeremy and Kaela!/
/My mentor teacher gave me some comp tickets to go to Alice in Wonderland at CVHS so I took this hottie as my date. The play was weird. We had fun! P.S. Today was my last day of student teaching!! Do a happy dance!!/
/This is the collage displaying what happens when Dan farts while playing games in between conference sessions... haha/
/Just a selfie at the high school. I'm so excited to be done!!/
/It snowed today! Poor little blossoms./
/Did Balloon Olympics with the scouts today! SO FUN! Loud and headache inducing, but fun! haha I love Cub Scouts!/
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