March 15, 2011


My poor husband woke up at 3am barfing his guts out :(
I didn't know until about 6:15am when his alarm went off for him to get up for work.
That's when I called my mom (my at-home-doctor) for advice on what to do and then ran to Smith's for meds and saltines.
The poor guy STILL had to go to work... and he's STILL sick.
I wish I could make him feel better.

On a brighter note, at Sunday dinner with the fam, we were talking about how our neighbors were Episcopalian and my little 11 year old sister, Erin, thought we said they were 'A Piss Companion' haha it was great. This led to disguised giggles from everyone else and a discussion about Episcopalians so Erin could know they were NOT piss companions. Oh, family dinners. They are priceless.

AND I almost forgot. It's Cell Phone Tuesday! So here ya go:(Clockwise: Me sporting my scarf my Grandma Barclay made for me-don't mind the sad face, don't know why I did that; Dan at work; The caricature drawing we got done while in Vegas for our honeymoon; The flat tire I got before I went to the temple to do my endowment)
(Clockwise: A pic I took of myself at work-bored-and sent to Dan; Melissa took pictures of herself on my phone at Grandma Rigby's; The earring holder frame I made for Steph for Christmas; A pic Melissa snuck of me at Grandma Rigby's)
(Clockwise: The sweatpants I bought Dan for Christmas; My wedding dress; Our announcement; Dan helped my parents with an alumni dinner at the university while I stayed home after getting my wisdom teeth out...they sent me this photo of Dan on Santa's lap-cute!)
(Clockwise: The gorgeous flowers Dan got me one day just because; The sneak preview of our engagements that our photographer sent to my phone; Me in the coat I REALLY loved from Buckle-SO soft; The bruise we randomly found on my dad's arm-ouch!)
(Clockwise: The pumpkin cheesecake I made Dan for his birthday; Our livingroom when Dan first moved into our apartment; The furniture we painted for our apartment; A random cat picture I found-the cat has to pee haha)
(Clockwise: Me and Dan at Little Caesar's Pizza dressed as Rebekah and Abinadi for a ym/yw activity; My ring after Dan proposed to me; My finger after getting it cut open on Dan's trailer door; Some 'I love you' cupcakes we made at a girl's night)
(Clockwise: The first 3 pics are of me and Dan on the couch in the livingroom at my parents' house after FHE; The wall mural on the old swimming pool)

1 comment:

Melissa said...

i LOVE your characture! it really looks like you guys! you should get it framed if you haven't already. oh and i seriously don't even remember taking that pic of me on your phone at the rigby's haha