Just for the record.
Leaving for work this morning was a challenge.
And not the kind of challenge that will test you and make you a better person...yadda yadda.
It was the kind of challenge that makes you frustrated and just...well, grr! haha
Seriously though!
Anyway, leaving for work was a challenge BECAUSE...
#1- I couldn't get my driver door to open on my car. SO I finished scraping my windshield (Dan already scraped it mostly off when he left for work; he's the greatest!) and then I tried it again. Still. Wouldn't. Budge. Aggravating! So I climbed in the passenger side and made my way to the driver's seat and drove to work.
#2- When I got to work, the door was still FROZEN shut so I climbed back over and got out the passenger seat but I ended up getting mud all over my purse and my pants and my coat and my arm and my shoes as I was getting out. Why was there mud in my car? Well, Dan took it mudding on Saturday and the mud turned to dirt and then the recent snow storm turned the dirt back to mud. Lots of it. So, I end up with a muddy...well, everything. Oh sheesh.
Anyway, enough complaining! Who's ready for another round of pics from my cell phone?? EVERYONE is! I just know you are all stoked for this. So here it is:(Clockwise: Me at work; Me posing for a pic with J.P. while lifeguarding during the summer-I miss that place!; Carly, Marianne, and I convinced J.P. we'd let him go down the slide for free if he kissed my foot so he did; A pic of me after I dyed my hair practically black)
(Clockwise: Melissa in Forever 21 showing how HUGE the mannequin's butt is; Me and Dan on the 24th of July on the LDS Conference Center roof; Dan and me the day after he broke his leg-my birthday-he was all drugged up and still had dinner with me to celebrate; Becca at the Ren. Fair holding a GIANT snake)
(Clockwise: Roman's chin after a lifeguard party down the hydrotube; The shirt that I think Collette should get cause she has "Bieber Fever"; Cedar City has the prettiest sunsets; Another great pic of me at work)
(Clockwise: The BEAUTIFUL flowers that Dan sent me over the summer while he was living in Wyoming; A pic of me at work-I was bored; Me and Collette at the summer games swimming events; The fireworks at the opening ceremonies for the Utah Summer Games)
(Clockwise: Bryan's GPS in his truck telling us he was driving 93mph on the freeway home from Lagoon; My first sunburn of the summer lifeguarding; A sun cupcake my sister made; My swim team on my last day of coaching)
(Clockwise: The cake my swim team made me on my last day of coaching; Flowers outside the Logan LDS Temple; Some Utah State University pom pom gloves-Uhm...School spirit?; My pink keds I bought)
(Clockwise: A pic of my subway lunch-I got a 6'' and could only eat a half of that before being full; A pic out of a magazine-I thought it was cool, I mean it is the United States in blood; A pic out of a magazine of a man's armpit with a glacier sticking out of it-obviously it's an ad for Oldspice, it smelled heavenly; A pic of an oragami cow that I folded)
1 comment:
I LOVE all the pics! and I think Dan scraped the window because he knew you would get muddy! j/k
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