September 1, 2010


Well, it's almost been one whole week since I've posted and I figure since it's the first of SEPTEMBER (where has the year gone?) I'd better post something, right?


--The first week of school was really great! I love all my classes...except maybe Dance 3900...sometimes. Also, the classes are more spread across campus this semester instead of just being in the education building so I get to see more of our beautiful campus and do more people watching haha.
SEE? I'm all over campus! I love it!

--The other day, I walked past the business quad and this nice lady was passing out free lanyards. Yes, well, I picked one up from her and I've used it everyday since. I love it. A lot.

--Dairy Queen now has MINI BLIZZARDS! I'm so excited! They are so cute and, for sure, more my size haha

--Sunday during church, our bishop challenged us all to read the New Testament this year and gave us a reading chart to help us accomplish that. Basically, you just read a chapter a day. I'm excited because (confession) I've never read the whole New Testament. So this will be good! AND Dan and I have decided to read together every night. Last night was our first night reading scriptures together and I loved it so much.

--Last night was the first meeting for The Constant Readers Society (book club here at SUU). We met in the library and had almost 40 people at the meeting! That's so many! I'm excited to start reading. We split into 4 groups and we will rotate the books around as each group finishes. My first book is The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield. It looks like it will be good so be prepared for updates once I buy it!--Tonight, I get to go walking and make pizza (but not at the same time haha) with Natalie and Marissa. We're also going to decide which cupcakes we want to make next week out of this great new cupcake cookbook I got at Barnes and Noble last Friday. It is seriously the greatest book! So I'm excited!

--I also get to see Dan tonight and I'm looking forward to that! I'm so happy he lives in Cedar. He's the greatest there is! In the words of Kate Nash, "Yeah, you make me merry, make me very, very happy" :)

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